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Easter Egg Effigies

April 15, 2009
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What do Bob Saget, The Little Mermaid, Madonna and Superman all have in common?

Meet Ariel, crafted by my (grown-up) cousin Jesse.

They’ve all been subjected to the indignity of my family’s annual Easter Egg Extravaganza.

My 6-year-old cousin Jonathan’s handiwork – SuperEgg!

Every year, we go a little crazy with pipe cleaners, felt, googley eyes, miniature hats, fake hair, and markers.  We’ve got a whole box of egg decorating materials, recycled from year to year, that includes a pipe cleaner basketball hoop my uncle made for his egg basketball team a couple of years ago.

A newcomer, my cousin Jesses girlfriend Selena, made this peacock - way to jump right in, Selena!

A newcomer, my cousin Jesse's girlfriend Selena, made this peacock - way to jump right in, Selena!

It’s one of my favorite traditions, even though I always wind up with multi-colored fingers on Easter morning.

My cowboy says, Howdy.

My cowboy says, "Howdy."

Not to mention the inevitable hot glue gun burns.

My aunts Madonna. Isnt my family wholesome?

My aunt's Madonna. Isn't my family wholesome?

Inevitably, our eggs wind up reflecting our personalities.  For example, my aunt Connie grew up in the 80s – hence the Madonna egg.  I, on the other hand, made this one:

Can you tell Im anxious to graduate?

Can you tell I'm anxious to graduate?

My 10-year-0ld cousin Shayna thinks Bob Saget is really funny.  Not his humor (What kind of family do you think we are??) – just his name.  She says it at random intervals, just because, and has started a Bob Saget following at her school.  (Kids are weird.)  So she made a Bob Saget egg.

He's dressed to present America's Funniest Home Videos.

Welcome to the madhouse.

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  1. Lily permalink
    April 15, 2009 12:16 pm

    Gradu-egg is my favorite, of course. (can you tell I’M ready to graduate?) But mostly I’m just tickled pink by the whole idea 😀 I can’t believe I’ve never heard about this tradition! So adorably quirky!

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